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TEST: It was recently reported that Kim Kardashian has filmed a music video for her new single. The new song was played at a Las Vegas nightclub on New Year's Eve. Kim plans to release the song soon, and it is said to play on the radio. It is not clear if Kim has finished recording her new music album.


posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 1/04/2011 12:24:00 AM  
New Unreleased Paris Hilton Song (What You Do To Me)

Here's a new song from Paris Hilton, which was leaked from ParisExposed.com. This is actually a demo version.

Download Paris Hilton - What You Do To Me

From Paris Hilton Site
posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 1/28/2007 10:34:00 PM  
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posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 1/15/2007 09:53:00 PM  
New Paris Hilton Website Opens Up.

An anticipated Paris Hilton Web Site has just opened up to the public. This is without a doubt the most detailed Paris Hilton Website on the internet, and it is growing rapidly. If you would like to discover the real Paris Hilton, go to the website by clicking here: Paris Hilton Site.
posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 1/10/2007 12:55:00 AM  
Paris Hilton's Album Officially Sells More Than 500 000 Copies Worldwide

"Paris" has finally hit the record of selling more half a million copies. As of November 25, 2006, Paris Hilton managed to sell 500 950 records.

Next stop? 1 million!
posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 11/25/2006 02:22:00 PM  
EXCLUSIVE: Listen to Unreleased Paris Hilton Songs (Are You With It & Don't Wanna Go Down)

These were clips released a month ago on http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Enkil50. Check out dozens of exclusive Paris Hilton videos on this account.

"Are You With It" is one of the songs that didn't make it on the debut album, however, it is suppose to be release on the second one, which should come out sooner than expect. "Don't Wanna Go Down" is a different type of song, presumbly made by Scott Storch, and you can only hear this one from our video only; no where else. The title of "Don't Wanna Go Down" isn't really "Don't Wanna Go Down", we just made it up to give it a name.

Are You With It

Don't Wanna Go Down
posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 11/18/2006 01:08:00 PM  
Paris Hilton on Seventeen Magazine's Cover December 12

In Seventeen's December issue, the Hilton heiress admits the "dumb blonde"
image is just an alter-ego. Get to know the real Paris that only her
friends get to see. Plus, find out how she feels about Nicole and why she
loves being single!

Here's the website: http://www.seventeen.com
posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 10/24/2006 04:46:00 PM  
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