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Paris Hilton Thinks Johnson and James Blunt are Hot.

Paris Hilton said Brit Awards winner and Jack Johnson and James Blunt are "hot" at the the London ceremony last night.

"I loved Jack Johnson, he's incredible. I love James Blunt. (He's an ex-soldier) which is pretty hot."

But if she had to choose between Johnson and Blunt, Paris gave this respond by opted for the former pro-surfer American:

"Surfing is sexier."

However, she did keep her distance by saying:

"But, I'm not romantically interested in them."

"I have a boyfriend. He's in LA. I'm seeing him tomorrow."

By the way, new high quality Brit Awards pictures of Paris Hilton are coming soon!!!

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posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 2/16/2006 03:05:00 PM  
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