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Paris Hilton After Another Man?

Is Paris Hilton making another dumb mistake?

*Assuming* that she dumped Stavros (I hope so, for her sake), she ran after another guy, actually a footballer, Frank Lampard who already has a girlfriend during the Brit Awards, according to news reports.

Thankfully, he denied to have Paris' phone number when Paris wanted to give it to him, or something like that.

Now, Frank Lampard's girlfriend is mad, but she said:

"Frank obviously only has eyes for me."
"He’s a family man and is completely devoted to me and Luna."
"This Paris Hilton might be used to getting what she wants, but this is one man she can’t have. She might have millions but she’s no match for me."

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posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 2/20/2006 07:43:00 PM  
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