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More About Paris Hilton's New Music Album

In order to launch her music career, Paris Hilton employed choreographer Robin Antin.

He'll be working with Paris Hilton to start preparing and making music videos and live performances.

During her 25th birthday at the Pure nightclub in Las Vegas, she releaved that her tunes about more partying, about feeling sexy and, of course, about boys.

There's even a track about the freud between her and Nicole Richie. (Are your ears burning, Nicole Richie?) I'm not if this is part of the lyrics, but anyways. I think this is the "Jeasouly" tune.

Apparently, her album is really good. But she says:

"People will trash it just because it's me." Very true!

"but once they listen, they'll be shocked. I know this is good" They'll still trash it with ignorance, Paris!

I personally really can't wait for her music album. I know it will be "hot", no doubt about it. I just wish she could give us the date of the release...

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posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 2/20/2006 08:02:00 PM  
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