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Paris Hilton Lookalike to Meet the Real One?

Paris Hilton lookalike, Chantelle Houghton, surfaces the news again.

This time, she claims that she will finally meet the real Paris Hilton.

She says that she will work Paris Hilton a new show that resembles to the Simple Life.

She's been a huge fan of her and can't wait to meet her.

She says:

"I like Paris and would love to meet her. I know she had lots of money, but what I like about her is she is trying to make her way in life doing her own thing."

"People kept telling me we looked the same. I wasn’t so sure at first, but on one of the first proper modelling shoots I did, the photographer told me"

"I e-mailed off some photos of myself to an agency who were looking for look-alikes. I got a call back within seconds. They didn’t actually believe I was for real!"

During the Brit Awards, it is claimed that the real Paris said:

"She’s gorgeous, so beautiful. My god, we could be sisters. I would really love to meet her."

I'm really not sure how true this news report is... I guess will know with time.

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posted by CelebNewsPNN @ 2/20/2006 09:10:00 PM  
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